My friend Allison Watkins of English Photography in Utah was here visiting this week. She came to speak and hold a SNAP for our local group. She was fantastic!
It was so nice having a new friend around to spend some time with. She stayed at my house for the few days she was here so we had lots of time to chat and catch up on things. She inspired me, made me laugh, made me cry and taught me so much. I miss having that connection with people. I spend so much time working that I tend to miss out on a lot of things. My goal this year is to work on those quality relationships that I may have let slip over the years. Don't get me wrong, I love my clients :) Love love love my clients...but what I learned this week is that my family is not only my family, but my friends are my family too. And they need quality time too.
Have you ever had one of those weeks that you just feel not worthy? This was my week to go hide under the covers and never want to come out. It's amazing how God throws people into your life just at the right time. There is a huge list of people that hugged me at the right time, thanked me, and even complimented me when I was feeling the lowest. Thank you to all of you...I think I'm out of my funk!
We have a wedding this weekend in Traverse City and I'm SO looking forward to it!
I'm going to shoot my heart out even if it is supposed to rain...bring out the umbrellas!
Thanks Allison...you saved me :)
1 comment:
Jackie- Man, I miss you already! I am only now getting around to catching up on your blog. Thank you so much for you kind words... I honestly feel the same way. Thank you for introducing me to your world, I hope Jake doesn't miss me too much! I am so lucky to be a part of your life. Thanks a million. Can't wait to make more memories at PPA. I observed alot of things living with you for a couple days, and one of them is what a great friend you are to so many people. I considder myself lucky to be one of them. can't wait to catch up more!
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