When is Andrew going to pop the question? Well, he finally did it!
He and Emily went to Hawaii for Christmas. On Dec. 28th they went for a walk along the beach and Andrew's best friends Micah and Ashleigh set up a blanket with flowers and champagne. When Andrew and Emily got there, Emily thought it was for someone else. She was pleasantly surprised when Andrew got down on one knee and asked her to marry him! After jumping up and down for awhile, Emily finally said YES!
Congratulations to you both!!!

That's fantastic! Hooray for all 4 of them!
We wish them all the best.
The Morses
How do yo say it in Swedish... Mazel Tov! It's about time. (Don't you hate hearing that?)
Seriously Andrew & Emily, good luck on your wedding and better luck on your mariage. You two make a great couple.
Tammi and I are very happy for you and blessed to have you as friends.
Congrats! Getting proposed to on the beach is the best! I'm so glad we can all share our joy together!
Meagan Armantrout and Tim
I knew the first time I met Emily you two were meant for each other. I'm so happy to see this come full circle. Congrats to you both. Andrew - You are going to make a great husband and loving father.
Big time!!! Great seeing both of you in Texas!
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