We almost have a road! Yeah! Any of you who have visited the studio in the past few months have seen the mess out front! Well they are putting down the final layer of black top as we speak! We can't tell you how happy we will be when they get this done. Thank you all for being flexible with parking!
Last night I went out to see my family out in Mason, and although I went out there to photograph my husband and his steam engine (more about that later) I ended up photographing the kids instead! We only were out there a minute before the mosquitoes started eating us, but I managed to shoot off a few images before the kids ran back into the house. Here is Emma, Alex and Livie..they are growing up so fast!
Emma was not happy she had to go inside..she wanted to ride her 4-wheeler!

Alex usually runs away from me when he sees me coming! :) He kept his distance that's for sure :)

Ready to run me over!

Livie was tired of the bugs getting her!

Steam Show:

This Friday - Sunday at the Mason Steam Grounds off of Barnes Road Exit from 127. Turn left on Hull road and follow the signs for parking!
The steam show is something Tim and I do every year...is it dirty, hot and a little bit Country...YES! Wear clothes that you would do yard work in because it's dusty and dirty out there. But, it's a fun time. If you have kids that love tractors, this is a great place to come for the day. Kids under 12 are free, and tickets for adults are only 5 bucks! Come on out and step back into time... :)