Andrew, Emily and I traveled to Pheonix in mid January and it was a nice break from the weather we've been having. Brrr. Pheonix was mid 60's to 70's and when we weren't in programs, preparing for our program or giving our program...we were outside. It was nice to feel the sun again. We met up with all our favorite people while we were there and had so much fun. We had wonderful dinners and even had cotton candy one night! That was an added bonus! Emily was in heaven :)
My wonderful friend Jaime went with us and I'm so glad she decided to attend at the last minute. It's always good to have someone to tag along with at these events. Convince you not to buy everything you want and don't really need :)
We have been back now for awhile and are getting caught up on all the little things that we try and tackle during this time of year. Our Winter Newsletter is at the printers and will be in your mailboxes soon. Make sure and check out our Winter Kids' Specials and don't for get to sign up for our E-News mail. To your right--->
there you will see where to sign up. We will be running all sorts of specials and send them right to your email. So sign will get SPECIAL treatment if you are apart of our E-NEWS.
As we get into February, Andrew and I will be attending our State Convention PPA which is next week and then WPPI which begins Valentines Day. We have never been to WPPI before so we are excited to see what that is all about. That is in we will be heading out the again! Twice in 2 months.
So, I think that catches us up!
Keep warm everyone!
Andrew with the lovely bridal portrait of Leslie

Me and Allison Watkins

Me and Bryan Cox

My New friends: Roberto Valenzuela, Jaime McAllister, me, Kenny Kim and Tammie Kimura

Out to dinner: Emily Jenkins, Kalen Henderson, Pheonix Security, me and Jaime McAllister

Kris Boman and Allison Watkins

Kris Boman, Kalen Henderson and Andrew

Angela Kurkian and me

me and Jaime McAllister

Jeff Rodgers(Mr. Perfect) and Baby Sam

Angela and baby Sam

Linda Durham and Carletta Watkins