Well the past two weeks have been exciting for me! Tim and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary! I know, it has gone by SO fast. We have had such a great time being married. We are so blessed to be surrounded by wonderful friends and family that keep us grounded and in check. I love that we have relationships with our friends that are open enough for someone to pull me aside and say "Jackie, don't work on a Sunday...spend time with your hubby." I know that someone shouldn't have to tell me that, but every once in awhile my priorities get challenged with business.
Although we haven't traveled to exotic places, lived in a big home, or even had the excitement of having a family, I feel we have been extremely blessed in our 5 years. We just enjoy being around each other...even it's just watching Seinfeld together once we got home from a busy day. It's the simple things that we value.
So simple in fact, that we get excited this time of year just because Peppermint Mocha Coffee Creamer comes out! I know it's silly, but to us it's the simple things in life that make it fine :)

The next five years hold a lot of changes for us, and I look foward to each of them. Tim will finish PA school, we want to start a family and will probably move somewhere with some land so we can add to our dog family.
Here's a video my uncle took on our wedding day of our first dance. We practiced a lot, and if you watch closely you can even see Tim counting :)
It's in infrared for some reason
Great stuff Jacks! I love the way Tim is rolling. He reminds me of a pair of windshield wipers!
Your wedding was such a beautiful event! I really can't believe it's been 5 years already. Here's to the next 5!
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