Like there is not enough sugar in that to make you go crazy, now there's caffeine!
Wow, we are a very sad sad group of people :)
So now, we can wake up, have our pot of coffee. Drive to work and get a Starbucks.
Get to work and have another pot of coffee. Have lunch and drink a HUGE Coke with it. Then, have a 3:00 Energy Drink for that pick me up and NOW have a candy bar filled with extra caffeine too! Then after a long day at work, we need our headache meds filled with caffeine to make our headache go away. Then we wonder why we can't sleep at night!
I'm guilty too...I'm not trying to preach here. I have been trying to ween myself off of Dr. Pepper for over a year now. And although I am getting better (maybe 3 a week) I still have a hard time passing one up. :) I just think we need to work harder at getting ourselves healthier and our kids! At least we can help teaching our kids some good eating habits...right!
So next time you reach in the fridge for something cold to drink...grab a water!
It'll do the body good! :)

Oh WAIT! This has caffeine too!
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