Have you ever had one of those days that starts off not so good and then declines from there? That was my day yesterday. I rarely have really terrible days, but yesterday was it for sure. In the morning, I was eating my Very healthy peanut butter and jelly sandwich for breakfast and on my third bite I started choking. I was sitting there thinking that it would pass, but after a second I realized this was really happening. My husband who is a trained EMT was in another room, busy (if you know what I mean) and I decided I better get up and get him to help me. I was ok until I tried to yell his name and couldn't! I panicked...just a little. By the time he got out to where I was, I was hunched over gasping for a breath. I was really scared. He grabbed be around the waist and asked me if I was breathing, and as I shook my head no, I got a slight intake of air. Once that happened, I panicked more and just started crying. After a very long few seconds of coughing and trying to breathe, I finally caught my breath and felt what was in my throat go down.
So for the next 30 minutes or so, we just sat on the couch shaking. And of course I was still crying. That was SO scary.
When I finally got to work, I just really didn't want to be there and pretty much made my day a bad one. The only thing that saved it was my session in the evening. That's what I love about kids. Even when you're having the worst day ever, they can put a smile on your face.
So the moral to this story is don't choke on your breakfast :)
Actually, try to turn your day around if your having a bad day. Take a minute to be thankful for all you have because you never know what could happen. And also, make sure your spouse knows the heimlick!
Good night all